SouthWest Florida Chamber Of Commerce
BSWFCC was structured with the mission of boosting, strengthening and supporting the Brazilian business community in Southwest Florida.
Brazilian SouthWest Florida Chamber of Commerce
A BSWFCC was structured with the mission of boosting, strengthening and supporting the Brazilian business community in southwest Florida.

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Don't miss this opportunity
The first 100 members independent of the sport will pay only $50 in the first year

André Odenbreit Carvalho
Honorary President

André Odenbreit Carvalho
Honorary President
Born in Rio de Janeiro and graduated in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), she is a career diplomat, having previously served in the Embassies in Buenos Aires, Moscow and London, as well as in the Mission of Brazil to the European Union in Brussels. In Brasilia, among other functions, he worked as Head of the Division of Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development, Director of the Departments of Extraregional Commercial Negotiations and Multilateral Economic Organizations and Special Secretary of External Relations of the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic.

Carlo Barbieri

Carlo Barbieri
Specialized in business intelligence and strategic solutions for small, medium and large corporations in national and international levels, the Brazilian market being its largest target audience. President of Green Card Solutions-EB-5 Regional Center; president of the Aquera Foundation, consultant, journalist, political analyst, speaker and educator, entrepreneur, civic activist and leader of many organizations related to Brazil, their country of origin. Graduated in Economics and Law with more than 60 specialization courses in Brazil and abroad, these courses held in various institutions such as: Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Federal University of Brazilia, Mackenzie University, Sorbonne, University of Chicago, Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Master of Legal Studies by Ambra University.

Bruno Rogers
Vice President

Bruno Rogers
Vice President
Bruno Rogers, Christian, married, father of 2 children and entrepreneur. Graduated in Business Administration,Bacharel in Theology, MBA in Business Management, MBA in Project Management, Posts in International Economics and Diplomacy, Posts in Foreign Trade Management, Posts in International Business Management and Posts in Port Business Management and Logistics . It operates in the business of people and company management over 10 years. He is also currently Chief Financial Officer and Pastor at the Casa Church Religious Institution located in Sarasota in Florida.

Sidney Bezerra

Sidney Bezerra
Vocational Training and Trajectory: • FRANCHISING Businessman in the Franchising business for 10+ years being among Top 20 best results of the network from 700 units of the brand to own network co-founder of franchises. It reached 50 units sold in Brazil in 5 years of operation. This background brought vision and strategic and business expertise in business expansion. • Electrical Engineer by the University of Brazilia (considered Among the top 25 universities in Latin America and the Caribbean), MBA in Telecommunications by Getúlio Vargas Foundation and extension courses at Montgomery College in Maryland, US in the Information Technology area. • 10+ years ahead of projects in American companies in the telecommunications sector, one of them AT&T. • Former Navy Nautical Officer Merchant aboard tankers and chemical vessels of Petrobras BR • Current Focus: Currently, Sydney is committed to leading technological development initiatives and strengthening bilateral trade relations between Brazil and the USA. Its focus is on identifying international business opportunities and fostering strategic partnerships that benefit both countries, employing their expertise in cross-border negotiations and global entrepreneurship. In addition, Sidney is a partner of a landscaping company in Tampa, FL with over 18 years of operation, specializing in serving the HOA corporate market (Homeowners Association).

Tatiana Arcencio

Tatiana Arcencio
Natural of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Tatiana Arcencio built his successful career in Brazil and the United States. Graduated in Accounting by the Moura Lacerda Institution and with two years of studies in Marketing, he moved to Florida, in the United States, in 1997, where he began acting in different business areas. With dedication to continuous learning, he graduated in InterCoaching & Business in the state of Florida and currently dedicates himself to studies in the financial educational area. Entrepreneur since 2001, Tatiana owns three successful companies: • Residential and Commercial Organization • Cleaning Services Residential • Property Check All companies have been solid and continuous since 2001, reflecting their expertise, professionalism and commitment to success. In addition, Tatiana built his family in the United States and is the mother of a 25-year-old son, currently married. With over two decades of entrepreneurial experience and strategic vision, Tatiana is an example of leadership and innovation in the business area.
Ten reasons to associate
By associating with Brazilian Southwest Florida Chamber of Commerce, you will be contributing to a more prosperous and collaborative environment, adding values to your company and its employees through information, lectures, training and networking
that will lead you to the next level of success.